Friday 31 May 2013

Difference between getch() getche() and getchar()

C language provides many ways to input a character. We can use the traditional scanf() function to input a character. However there are three special character input functions in c, these are:

1. getch(): To input a single character form user.
                            char ch;
However this code will not show the typed character ,but still typed character is stored to ch variable;

2. getche() : Again only single character can be inputed like getch() but this time , it will echo(displays) the typed character
                           char ch;

3. getchar():  This works similar to scanf() function, i.e. allows user to type more than one character but only the first one will be accepted as input.
                          char ch;

In all the three cases you can check the inputed value to ch by the statement :
printf("Character inputed is %c",ch);

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